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The Beauty Of White Gold Engagement Ring
Low Jeremy –
Indeed, ringsregardless of its kindare beautiful and stunning. Depending on your purpose, rings are always valuable and sentimental.
Through the years, the use of rings has always been associated with weddings and engagements. And among the so many types and kinds of rings that have emerged over time, one of most popular choices of brides and grooms is gold.
Today, wanting to veer away from the traditional color of yellow in gold, more and more couples choose white gold diamond rings for their engagement. The contemporary beauty of white gold diamond engagement rings never fail to get the attention of countless future brides and grooms out there because it exudes elegance, simplicity, modernism and power all at the same time.
If you are already looking forward to wearing a precious white gold diamond engagement ring on your finger, then you might as well do a little research about it before finally purchasing it.
According to countless surveys, gold is the most commonnot to mention, popularchoice of most couples for their wedding or engagement rings. Gold can either be white golf or yellow gold. Common standards dictates that fine gold jewelry should be mounted in either 14-karat (K) or 18 karat (K) gold.
The 18-karat gold should consist of 18 parts pure gold combines with 6 parts other metals while the 14-karat gold has 14 parts pure gold with 10 parts of other metals. In case of couples looking for their wedding or engagement rings, it is very important that they decide how many karats of they want in a gold mount or shank because it will set the budget and determine some minor advantages and disadvantages.
In market, white gold is more preferable compared to yellow gold. It is also usually harder thats why it can last for longer period of time. White gold is usually more recommended for a diamond ring mount than yellow gold because it doesnt wash off after years of use.
Although gold yellow appeals because of its glow and bright finish, more and more soon-to-wed couples prefer the simplicity and elegance of white gold in their diamond engagement rings.
If you are looking for a valuable and reliable mount for your diamond, then you should settle for an 18-K white gold because it is harder and its resistance against scratches is greater compared to other metals. An 18-K white gold is also recommended compared 14-K white gold because it has whiter color. Also, it doesnt require rhodium in its plate to hide any discoloration that is common to 14-K white gold.
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The Beauty Of White Gold Engagement Ring