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By Mario Churchill
Resume writing can be a daunting task to those unfamiliar with the process, and even to those who are familiar with it. It is important to do your research and make sure your resume writing skills are up to par, but never fear, for there are several ways to accomplish this.
You can do a search on “resume writing” on the Internet and come up with several different websites touting everything from resume writing tips, to resume writing basics, and even common blunders and mistakes to avoid while you are engaging in resume writing.
You will find resume writing services, resume templates, resume examples, resume makers, etc. All will be in the quest to help you perfect your resume writing. You can choose to utilize a template, which will show you step-by-step how to format your resume, or you can choose a service to actually do your resume writing for you.
If you are not of the mind to engage in those services, though, you can simply research the basics of resume writing and choose to perfect your resume writing ability yourself. For even the most fundamental resume, you should know that your name and contact information should be at the top of the page, formatted as a heading, in a larger and darker font than the rest of the resume.
You will then want to list an objective, and here, be sure not to be too general. Use specifics to describe what you can offer the company, and the skills you believe you can bring to the table if you get the position. Also state what you hope to gain from the company, whether it just be some new opportunities to prove yourself, or a hope that you can improve their bottom line. This will be bound to impress the hiring manager. Describe where and how you see yourself fitting in.
A strong employment history will make your resume writing easier, because simply listing your experiences and accomplishments will make a strong impact and won’t require a lot of creativity on your part, though you will want to list your endeavors using verbs and adjectives that show you in the most positive light possible.
Of course, don’t forget about your education. This can be listed after your job history, unless you are a recent graduate, in which case you have the option of listing it first.
It goes without saying that your resume should be free from all spelling and grammatical errors, so make sure you proofread it at least a couple of times, and try and have someone else proofread it for you, as well.
Honesty is also essential, even if you do not have all of the experience or education you wish you did; lying and getting caught is a sure-fire way to lose any job you get.
As far as the length of your resume, it has long been the standard to try and condense everything on one page; however, it is certainly acceptable to have a two-page resume if you have the education and employment history to warrant it.
Resume writing really isn’t that difficult, once you have an idea of what your prospective employer expects to find out when he or she reads it, so do your best and good luck!
About the Author: Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information on
or for a
samples resume
checkout his recommended websites.
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